András Cséfalvay – Funeral the Musical and another tabletop opera

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Released as cassette and webrelease

Music and lyrics by András Cséfalvay
Mastering by Jonáš Gruska / Lunar Mastering

Many thanks to Peter Edwards

Táto kazeta vyšla aj vďaka finančnej podpore Nadácie Intenda.
This cassette has been published with support of Intenda foundation.
2013 CC BY-NC-ND 3.0


András Cséfalvay is mostly known for his works in visual and conceptual art, but recently he started to show promise as a musician. Well, more then promise–we were truly hit in the [heart], when we received his newest work. Opera called “Funeral the Musical” is a set of intimate bedroom recordings telling us stories about worms, love and graveyards. Delicate, yet powerful voice, covered with harpsichordy-icing and synthesizery-cherries navigates us through the story with bravery and embarassing honesty at the same time.

“Funeral the Musical” is released on cassette and as a digital release. Cassetes contains one extra opera called “Granddialogue between Sauron and Saruman” and a cutout template with characters from the operas for further re-enacting of the stories.